Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

Remedial Assignment 2009

Sorry for my late posting.

I intend post this info for being late to make you enjoy after had mathematic remedial test just noon.

OK!! 2 the point. For U who feels joins remedial of UH 1; the assignments are:

1. Make a short biography of chemistry popular scientist ever.

2. the biography must be typed in A4 paper size; margin: left = 3; top = 2; right = 2; bottom = 2. Arial, font size 11.

3. The biography must be made on one page only without any appendix (hanya satu lembar saja, tanpa lampiran apapun).

4. the picture of scientist must be included on the same page.

5. do not forget for quoting your name, grade, and absent number also where reference did you cite from.

Here is the classification:


Absent number & Scientist

2 Jabir ibn Hayyan

3 Ar-Razy

5 Avicenna

6 Lavoisier

7 Priestley

9 Gay-Lussac

11 Charles

12 Boyle

16 Dalton

17 Proust

19 Joule

21 Jean Baptiste Dumas

23 Hess

25 Millikan

27 Rutherford

31 Bohr

32 Thompson


3 Schrodinger

5 Liebig

6 Buchner

11 Arrhenius

13 Bronsted

15 Lowry

17 Born

19 Haber

21 Dobereiner

23 Mendeleyev

26 Van der Waals

29 Berthelot

30 Marie Curie

For U who feels joins remedial of UTS:
This is for all both XI-C & XI-D without any exception:

24 grams of magnesium (Mg) are burned in extra oxygen gas. From this reaction that formed 40 grams magnesium oxide (MgO). The reaction occurs as follow:

Mg + O2 → MgO


a. Consumed oxygen gas mass in this reaction

b. Mass ratio between magnesium to oxygen in magnesium oxide.

6. Send your assignment/ answer on doc format file (word 2003). Attaches it on an e-mail on behalf of your name to my e-mail address at

7. I receive soft file only. To make your e-mail recognized by me easier, please make your e-mail address to be your name, grade and absent number. Example: Erwin purnama of XI-Z with absent number 100 to be

8. Your assignment must be sent before Sunday, October the 25th on 9.00 pm (deadline)

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